1-st Case Study: New WorldDoc app - Exemplary UX Design

Global Doctor Appointment Mobile App: Schedule Anywhere

UI Case Study Health
Mobile app


The WorldDoC app is designed for convenient search and appointment to a doctor from anywhere in the world. It will be useful for young people, the elderly and people with health problems. In this Case Study the user goes through a convenient path from searching to making an appointment with a doctor.

My Role

UX Researcher and Designer / UI Designer

Tools Used

Design Tools

design process

The process followed for this project involved problem identification, empathizing, understanding, problem definition, ideation of solutions, design translation, prototyping, and testing. This non-linear process played a pivotal role in bringing structure to my thinking.

My Responsibilities:

Conducting interviews, paper and digital wareframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

Problem Identification

Understanding the user

User research: summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the needs of users and their positive and negative impressions and emotions while using the application. The main group of users determined by the research were working adults from 18 to 65 years old, who lead an active lifestyle and do not have time for inconvenient and incomprehensible tasks. 

This group of users confirmed the initial assumptions about WorldMed customers, but the study also showed that the inconvenience of the interface is not the only factor that affects the convenient registration with a doctor. Also, users had common visions of problems in the direction of long registration and trust in unknown doctors.

User research: pain points


“It was not convenient to fill in the information from the phone and being in rush hour on public transport.”

Willard / 46

Persona: Willard

Willard is the owner of a small business exporting rare varieties of coffee to his store in Idaho. He has a wonderful family. His son helps run the business and communicates with international suppliers. Willard has several chronic diseases that he treats at his doctor. It would be convenient for him not to fill out a bunch of paperwork before registering for an appointment with another doctor.


  • Age – 46
  • Education – Business college
  • Hometown – Idaho, USA
  • Family – Wife, son, daughter
  • Occupation – Entrepreneur


  • To make an appointment with a few clicks on the phone.
  • It is convenient to use in transport and in uncomfortable positions


  • The service is not adapted for mobile devices
  • A lot of forms for storage
  • Unclear interface structure

Problem statement:

Willard does not want to fill in a bunch of fields and wants to go through a clear registration himself.

User journey map


Starting the design

Paper wireframes

I took the time to paper-iterate each screen of the app, which helped me come up with ideas for the interface structure for my Case Study. Construction of paper frames – helped to remove pain points of users in advance and make the application convenient to use in any situation. On the main screen, it is very easy to immediately go to the search for a doctor and make an appointment with him. 

paper wireframes

Digital wireframes


From the main screen, go to the detailed search for a doctor. To simplify the user experience, we only use three main filters and a search button.


After we have chosen a doctor from the search list – we go to his page. On this screen, we can view basic information about the doctor, find the location of the medical institution and make an appointment with him.

Low-fidelity prototype

In the low-fidelity prototype, the main user thread is connected. In this prototype, you can go from Login in the system to a successful appointment with a doctor. It will help to explore the usability with users. View the WorlDoC – Low-Fidelity Prototype >
lo-fi prototype


After conducting the second usability study, I found that: The search field on the main screen confuses the user and does not help to complete the registration path to the doctor. Hints were also added when filling in the date and time – so that all potential users could easily and conveniently choose them.

Before usability study

Before Usability Study

After usability study

After Usability Study

Other Screens

UI Wareframes
UX/UI Wareframes

High-fidelity prototype

The final version of the high-fidelity prototype shows the main path of the user of the appointment to the doctor. The functionality of the filters was also shown additionally and tips were added – so that users can easily and quickly go through the registration process.

View the WorlDoC – Hight-Fidelity Prototype >

Hi-FI Prototype

Accessibility considerations

Accessibility 1
Accessibility 2
Accessibility 3

Going forward




Users responded positively to the idea of the WorlDoC app – which will help many people. Here is one quote from a user:

“- It’s simple and clear, even though I don’t know English. Very aesthetic.”

UX Designer

What I learned

When I designed the WorldDoС app, I learned how to use empathy and get rid of my own prejudices. Usability research helped to improve functionality – which will positively affect the user experience.

Next steps

usability test
Do another round of usability research. This will help to further improve the main function - a quick and convenient appointment with a doctor.
Complete three additional functions - "Online consultation", "Hospital search", "Pharmacy search". This will increase the flow of users and help people in four directions.
Doctor Online
Conduct several rounds of usability research - additional features. They will become more convenient and will not interfere with the main functionality of the application.

I wish you Peace and Health!

Thank you for taking the time to review my Case Study "WorldDoС" app 2023

We will create a creative design for you and build a website from scratch.

My daughter's design

There is the creative design of my daughter Maria